Tuition, Fees, Withdrawal Refunds, and Billing Dates
App State's Student Accounts outlines tuition and fees, a withdrawal refund schedule, and billing dates.
Please note:
- Tuition and fees are posted in mid-March for the upcoming Summer.
- Using the previous Summer costs work well as a guide.
Payments and Payment Plans
Access: The Billing and Payment Center by Touchnet provides access to the Touchnet payment portals.
Tutorials: For assistance, access step by step tutorials.
Payment Plans: Plans are available through the Touchnet Billing and Payment Center. A tutorial to establish a payment plan is provided by Student Accounts Team.
Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid hosts a Summer Sessions resource page.
Dropping a Class or Withdrawing from a Summer Term
Before you drop a Summer class, consult the Registrar’s calendar for
- the first day of class for a term,
- eligibility for a partial refund,
- the last day to drop a class for that term, and
- the last day to withdraw.
Examine the Refund Schedule which outlines partial refunds by date.
Dropping just one of your classes for a Summer term: If you want to drop one class for a Summer term and remain enrolled in your other class(es) for that same Summer term, you may drop the one course through your AppalNet account.
Dropping all of your classes for a Summer term: If you are dropping all of your summer classes for a Summer term, complete one of the two forms below depending up whether or not classes have started.
- Before classes start: If you want to drop your only course or all of your courses for the summer session before the start of classes, complete the Withdrawal from a Future Term form.
- After classes start: If you want to drop your only course or all of your courses for the summer session after the start of classes, fill out the Withdrawal from the Current Term form.
Regarding the Withdrawal forms, keep in mind:
- Summer 1 and Summer 2 are terms/semesters like Fall and Spring so the Withdrawal process is the same.
- Indicate the term you are planning to return for classes on the Withdrawal form.
- You will not be withdrawn for any term other than the one you have requested.
- The date you submit your Withdrawal form will serve as the withdrawal date for your refund outlined on the Refund Schedule.
Summer Withdrawal questions and concerns
- If you have missed the Withdrawal deadline for a summer term, please contact the Registrar's Office immediately by emailing,
- For answers to questions about the Withdrawal process, contact the Registrar's Office by calling 828-262-2050 or emailing,